Crazy Little Thing Called Love

I know you’re waiting to hear about the wedding; about the meringue-i-ness of the dress; the music we danced to; the number of times I cried (it ran to several hundred before midday in case you were wondering!).  But I need to finish telling you about the planning and the build………………………………….

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Will you ……?

We had been together just over 2 years.  Everything was going really well; so the more rational amongst you might ask the question: “Why rock the boat?”.  Why not just carry on living together happily? I know how much getting married means to Nicky, and I love her very much.………………………………….

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Moving in together

After a relatively short period of time, we decided that we’d like to make things more permanent; it just seemed right.  Travelling back and forth from Monmouth was difficult, and time consuming for her, and it meant that we could only see each other a few times a week. There………………………………….

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