The Final Countdown

Four months before the wedding day, David’s carer left us.  So whilst we searched for the perfect replacement, I became David’s full time carer….which believe me, is pretty intense and sometimes exhausting. Life with David is never dull but I was trying to manage my own work, wedding plans, gym………………………………….

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The Sun Always Shines on TV

Better late than never – things get super hectic when you get married apparently!  Anyway, here I am again, with more ramblings about life with a grumpy tetraplegic and mutterings about marriage.  I mentioned in my last blog about the TV company that had approached us about filming the wedding…..well,………………………………….

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Crazy Little Thing Called Love

I know you’re waiting to hear about the wedding; about the meringue-i-ness of the dress; the music we danced to; the number of times I cried (it ran to several hundred before midday in case you were wondering!).  But I need to finish telling you about the planning and the build………………………………….

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Full Steam Ahead

Sorry for the long delay since the last blog. Apart from it being an incredibly busy, we were actually getting married! Something very exciting happened which meant I couldn’t talk about something that needs to be in this blog. All will be revealed shortly…. Let’s pick up where we last………………………………….

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Moving in together

After a relatively short period of time, we decided that we’d like to make things more permanent; it just seemed right.  Travelling back and forth from Monmouth was difficult, and time consuming for her, and it meant that we could only see each other a few times a week. There………………………………….

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Getting to Know You

After our first date I had butterflies and was buzzing. I was really looking forward to meeting again. Nicky loves cooking, and suggested that she came over to cook for us here. I asked my carer to leave us to it for the evening, and we had the place to………………………………….

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I have so much to tell you about.  I’m torn between telling you about the wedding and all the exciting things that are happening.  But I also want to tell you more about the early days of our relationship and how I found myself turning cartwheels around the moon with happiness………………………………….

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Twin air bags?

One evening in June 2013 I was sat in my armchair, half watching TV, probably drinking a glass of red wine, and scanning through the profiles of people on  I tended to find that anybody I expressed an interest in had no interest in me, so after quite a………………………………….

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Honesty is the best policy

I altered my profile to include information about my condition.  To my amazement this didn’t seem to put people off; in fact I think that I had more interest by taking this approach. My profile didn’t focus on my disability because I didn’t want it to define me.  I posted………………………………….

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Back in the game

After 16 years of being with the same person, the idea of dating again was a little bit exciting, but also hugely scary.  Obviously, I was not the same physically as I was last time I did this, but then that is also true for all the other 40/50 something………………………………….

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