Just get on with it!

  I’ve never been one for sitting around and grieving a loss, even when it comes to death.  Although inside I am filled with emotion and sadness, I am always pragmatic and realise that sometimes there is nothing that you can do about things, so you just have to get………………………………….

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The Hardest Part

You will know by now that I threw myself into this relationship with every bit of strength I had.  I chose to take on David’s care and I wanted to get heavily involved with sailing and rugby.  We have a fantastic life.  It’s very busy, often exhausting keeping up with………………………………….

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Learning to Fly

I learned very early on that life with David was never dull.  There was always something going on and I found myself in a new circle of people I met through his activities and interests.  Many of them were also disabled, some with spinal injuries but I also met new………………………………….

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Getting back up: The start

Ski kart

Despite having very little function or sensation, bizarrely I didn’t consider myself disabled; I didn’t feel any different inside.  For a few years I resisted getting involved with groups of people with disabilities, I think I had a certain perception of how it would be and how I would be………………………………….

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